
If you want to or need to contact me, you will probably fall into one of the following categories: academic interested in collaborating, journalist who wants to talk, client who wants to hire me; critic who wants to tell me where I am wrong (more often than not I am probably wrong), student who wants advice, or curious individual who simply wants to learn more about my work and perspectives. In any case, I welcome all forms of engagement and am always open to a good conversation.

The easiest way to reach me is by email: I strive to reply to all emails as soon as possible but cannot always promise a speedy response.

You can also send me a DM on Twitter/X, BlueSky, or on LinkedIn and follow me on both for my musings if you are so inclined.

If you are a fan of pen and paper, please write a letter to:

Felix M. Simon, Reuters Institute, University of Oxford, 13 Norham Gardens, OX2 6PS, United Kingdom